Monday, June 10, 2013

Beautiful Things

Friday morning Mark got me up early to go work on the farm with him. He has been teasing me that I couldn't do it. Ha! I'll prove him wrong!  It is not my first choice for getting up early but I did it. I Went out in my pink Nikes and husker hat to crawl around in the mud through tomato plants.  Doing a job I didn't like but I did it.  Mark and I enjoyed each other's company while the birds chirped on a cool morning.  I continue to tease him that I'm not going back and he should of given me a job that I'd like to do first so I will come back.  When it comes down to it I will go back.  Even in the mud I enjoyed my time digging in "God's Country!"  In his creation, listening to the birds sing, watching the chipmunk run around the garden, and spending time with my best friend.  What more could a girl ask for!
Later that day we went to the Zoo and met up with some friends we haven't seen in awhile.  It is always great to be with friends and at the zoo.  The boys love the zoo.  We are so thankful to a friend who gave us a zoo membership.  We have been twice since being home and foresee many more trips this summer.
Saturday Mark and I went down to Kansas City for the day to support a friend of ours and his son as they celebrated the life of his wife and mom.  She was a beautiful women of God and now resting in peace in the arms of our Lord.  She will be missed.  Even though going down to KC for a bit was hard because of the circumstances it was nice to get hugs from those we love and miss.
As I reflect on a few things we did this past week I am reminded of this song by Gungor, Beautiful Things.   I love that as I was getting mud in my nails, I could see beauty growing in that tomato plant with pretty little yellow flowers.
God's creation is all around us and that morning I was reminded to continue to pay attention to the beauty out of dust.  It also reminded me to enjoy every minute of time "home" because it will not be for long and time goes fast.

Psalm 97:10-12 (the message)
"God loves all who hate evil, and those who love him he keeps safe, snatches them from the grip of the wicked.  Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God's people, Joy-seeds are planted in the good heart-soil. So, God's people, shout praise to God, Give thanks to our Holy God!" 

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